The Retirement Gamble

(via Flickr jetglo) Over the past week, I have had several clients mention the recent PBS Frontline special, “The Retirement Gamble” (Retirement Gamble). I have also read several negative comments from my industry regarding the piece. After finally finding the time to...

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Where’s the Inflation

The general idea about inflation we are taught is that the greater the supply of money, the less a single dollar is worth, and the prices for the goods we buy should rise. This simple model usually holds true, yet policies by the Federal Reserve over the past five...

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Risk Free to Risky

People have long viewed bonds as a relatively risk free asset class, and who could blame them; since 1983, the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index has had an 8.1% average annual compound rate of return. During that period, it suffered only 3 negative years, with -2.9% being...

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Standard Distinction

One of the things we harp on at our firm is abiding by a fiduciary standard. This standard compels us to always act in the best interest of our clients. In our business, that means recommending investments that we believe will best achieve a client’s goals regardless...

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Welcome to Rebalanced

Rebalanced is a blog about investing and life. If one understands the former, it has the potential to enhance the quality of the latter. Wall Street is crowded with conflicts, uncertainties and mistrust. The objective of this blog is to educate investors in a manner...

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To the Investor Goes the Spoils

When we began using ETFs several years ago in our portfolios, we had no idea the size and power of the wave we were catching. At the time we were using Modern Portfolio Theory and calculating optimal asset allocation using historical index return data. We then picked...

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